WatchPAT ONE offers the same simplicity, accuracy and reliability as other WatchPAT products. The simple smartphone app transmits the WatchPAT ONE’s data from 7 channels to the cloud. As soon as the study is completed the clinician can review the automated study results.
Improved Workflow
Immediate access to sleep data and study results.
Data interpretation anytime, anywhere with cloud based solution.
Requires less back-office support.
No return shipment.
No cleaning, No downloading or charging.
No infection risk.
HSAT Program Growth
Ideal for patients outside service area.
No capital investment required.
Simple way to reduce periodic backlog.
Total Sleep Time
Sleep Architecture
Central Sleep Apnea
Accurate Auto Scoring
Prevent up to 20% Misdiagnosis with Total Sleep Time¹
WatchPAT calculates AHI and RDI using the patient’s Total Sleep Time rather than the recorded time used in most commercially available HSAT’s.
Total Sleep Time reduces the risk of misdiagnosis and misclassification that has been reported up to 20% with using total recording time.
Improved Accuracy with Sleep Architecture
WatchPAT’s clinically validated Sleep Architecture provides information on sleep staging including sleep efficiency, sleep latency and REM latency 2-3. It also provides the added value of detecting REM related sleep apnea with REM and non-REM AHI.
High Accuracy with Central Sleep Apnea Identification
WatchPAT has been clinically proven to detect all types of apnea events. The Central PLUS Module enables specific identification of Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) and Percent of Sleep Time with Cheyne-Stokes Respiration.
Comparison of AHI using recording time versus sleep time Schutte – Rodin et al., J Sleep Abs supl 2014, p. A373
Hedner J. et al. A Novel Adaptive Wrist Actigraphy Algorithm for Sleep-Wake Assessment in Sleep Apnea Patients. SLEEP, Vol. 27, No. 8, 2004 :1560-1566
Hedner J. et al. Sleep Staging Based on Automimcal Signals: A Multi-Center Validation Study. JCSM. Journal of Sleep Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2011: 301 – 306
Data on file
Yalamanchali et al. JAMA Otolaryngnol Head Neck Surg, 2013, Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea by Peripheral Arterial Tonometry (Meta-Analysis)
It’s Simple
3 points of contact for outstanding patient
compliance with 98% success rate4.
It’s Accurate
The WatchPAT Home Sleep Apnea Test is clinically validated with an 89% correlation to PSG5.
It’s Reliable
The Peripheral Arterial Tonometry signal is an approved measure in the 2017 AASM HSAT Clinical Practice Guidelines for Adults with OSA.