What if you could identify high risk patients at the earliest stage
of their cardiovascular disease - would you treat them differently?
The EndoPAT®️X – the latest generation of EndoPAT®️ - is a CE marked
test for non-invasive assessment of Endothelial Dysfunction (arterial health);
clinically proven by leading cardiologists through prestigious peer-reviewed studies
as a valuable tool in cardiovascular risk stratification beyond commonly used tests.
This new generation of EndoPAT®️offers a user-friendly experience
especially through new product design and interface.

The EndoPAT® X Solution

  • A CE marked device for the diagnosis aid of
    Endothelial Dysfunction
    Accurate & Reproducible.

The EndoPAT® X test

  • Non-invasive diagnosis
    aid and measurement of early endothelial damage
    In-office EndoPatThe® test.

Results in just 16 minutes

  • Easy to Use. Fully
    automated, both operator
    and interpreter independent.
    Results in 16 minutes.
EndoPAT®️ X - The new generation of EndoPAT®️ X


  • Modern design
  • Supplied computer with
    embedded software to
    facilitate studies


  • User-friendly interface for intuitive and
    comfortable use
  • Supplied Build-in features / timer for easy test run and


  • Possibility to import and to analyze
    the tests performed with EndoPAT
  • Same features and operation
    process as with EndoPAT 2000
  • Same report and data as with
    EndoPAT 2000


PAT®️ technology is a non-invasive window to the cardiovascular system and autonomic nervous system. Peripheral Arterial Tone (PAT®️) signal is a proprietary technology used for non-invasively measuring arterial tone changes in peripheral arterial beds.

The PAT®️ signal is measured from the fingertip by recording finger arterial pulsatile volume changes.
Based on PAT®️ technology, the non-invasive EndoPAT system comprises a measurement apparatus that supports a pair of modified plethysmographic

The unique feature of the PAT®️ bio-sensors is that they impart a uniform sub-diastolic pressure field to the distal two-thirds of the fingers including their tips.

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Endothelial Dysfunction

Endothelial Dysfunction

For more than a decade endothelial dysfunction has been recognized by the medical community as the critical junction between risk factors and clinical disease. It is the earliest detectable stage of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, it is treatable, and unlike the atherosclerotic plaque that it causes, it is even reversible.

The Endothelium is the inner lining of all blood vessels, considered a “super organ” that regulates key natural biological processes that ensures homeostasis, amongst them inflammation, oxidative stress
and auto-immune disease.

The endothelium is the thin layer of flat, smooth cells that line the inner walls of the 62,000 miles of
blood vessels in the body.

As major negative lifestyle factors begin to increase, oxidative stress damages the endothelial tissue throughout the body by stiffening the veins and arteries, leading to a host of medical concerns, including erectile dysfunction, kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Numerous studies positioned Endothelial Dysfunction as the “ultimate risk of risk factors” and is the earliest clinical detectable stage of cardiovascular disease.

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Clinical Uses and Implications

Clinical Uses and Implications

Atherosclerosis, the build-up of plaques within the walls of the arteries, is caused when the endothelial cells that line the thousands of miles of blood vessels become dysfunctional. We also know that endothelial dysfunction is caused by the same heart risks that initially damage the endothelium.

Based on new clinical findings, many leading cardiac researchers now believe that endothelial dysfunction, considered as “the ultimate risk of the risk factors”, is a disease unto itself and that this disease is what causes damage to the vessels of the heart, not atherosclerosis. Furthermore, this dysfunction is triggered by an inflammatory response to the damaged endothelium. Atherosclerosis, and the subsequent plaques and arterial blockages and heart attacks that it causes, are manifestations of this endothelial dysfunction.

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Validated vs. invasive gold standard
(intracoronary infusion of acetylcholine)

Reliable & Reproducible

Immediate, automatically calculated test results,
interpreter independent

Easy to Use

Short (15-minute), convenient (performed at the fingertip),
office-based test, operator independent endothelial dysfunction test

Site by Imaginet
Site by Imaginet